Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

What is Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder?

Highlights: impulsive type (F60.30) and borderline type of emotionally unstable personality disorder (F60.31).

Causes of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

Genetic soil and lack of attention education. Dominated by families of organics who themselves show emotional instability, dysphoria and a low threshold for aggressive behavior. It is also characteristic of children who are brought up by a cruel and declarative father. Emotionally unstable personalities in childhood and adolescence also show a high background of organics and minimal brain dysfunction.

Symptoms of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

Conflict and emotional instability are noticeable from childhood. Actions during the period of discharge of passion are usually not consistent with the situation. Extremely unstable affect (depression, irritability, anxiety), mood and behavior, leading to repeated self-destructive actions that are inadequately associated with external irritation. At the height of emotional discharge, an affective narrowing of consciousness is possible. These personalities do not tolerate loneliness, enter into random, often dubious relationships. In contacts, they idealize or devalue people, as a result of this, persistent social ties are not established. Alcohol intoxication is atypical, with aggressiveness and conflict, a high probability of palimpsests. Exposure to dependence on other psychoactive substances is also noted.

With the impulsive type, emotional instability and a tendency to act impulsively, without taking into account the consequences, predominate. Outbreaks of violence and threatening behavior are common, especially in response to condemnation from others.

With the borderline type, in addition to emotional instability, there is a violation of the image of the I, intentions and internal preferences, and suicidal threats and acts of self-harm are more often present. A high level of self-esteem does not correspond to reality and the perception of personality by others. As a result, the person is perceived as arrogant and intolerant. Patients with emotionally unstable personality disorder are prone to depressive episodes.

Diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

It should be differentiated from organic personality disorder, which is characterized along with affective instability by disnematic disorders, impulse disorders and cognitive impairment.

Treating Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorders

Individual and group psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, behavioral therapy and the use of impulse control agents, in particular lithium preparations and anticonvulsants.

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